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This means a scholarship has passed our 12 Point Scholarship Verification Program. The scholarship awards the money it promises and never ever charges a fee of any kind to enter.
Scholarship Directory

View our directory of VERIFIED SCHOLARSHIPS. We've organized the most popular awards into easy to find categories such as SCHOLARSHIPS BY MAJOR or SCHOLARSHIPS BY INTEREST or the always popular SCHOLARSHIPS ANYONE CAN WIN.

United Methodist General Scholarship $2,000
Keith Sommers Scholarship Fund Amount Varies
Twylah Murphy Stewart Scholarship Amount Varies
Mae Hightower Scholarship Endowment Amount Varies
Meredith Thoms Memorial Scholarship $4,500
USA Water Ski and Wake Sports Foundation Scholar $5,000
Dr. Clyde C. McCully Family Scholarship-OSHER Amount Varies
Jasbir P. Singh Memorial Scholarship Amount Varies
Conquering Challenges Scholarship $1,000
Gladys Lasky Endowment Fund Amount Varies
Vernon T. Swain, P.E./Robert E. Chute, P.E. Scho $2,500
Eleanor Dedmon Waner Scholarship Amount Varies
Starkweather - Garvin Scholarship Amount Varies
Victoria E. Hill Memorial Scholarship (HS) Amount Varies
Delores Sexton Memorial Scholarship Amount Varies
S. Edgar and Delora L. Lauther Memorial Scholars $30,000
Howard County PFLAG Academic Scholarship $2,000
Marion and Robert Fischer Memorial Scholarship Amount Varies
Doris and Clarence Glick Classical Music Scholar Amount Varies
Reid and Tina Owell Scholarship Amount Varies
Robert E. Thunen Memorial Scholarships $2,500
Associated Industries Bright Promise Scholarship Amount Varies
Gilman International Scholarship $5,000
Monroe Tractor Scholarship $1,000
Silberman College of Business Scholarships for A Amount Varies
Joseph Jo Jo Retton Endowed Scholarship Amount Varies
Vince Peterson Scholarship $750
Dellsea Nachbor Memorial Scholarship Fund Amount Varies
Stephen Worley Endowed Scholarship Amount Varies
Tom Hoover Memorial Scholarship Amount Varies
Eloise E. Sparkman Endowment Scholarship Amount Varies
Truman D. Picard Scholarship $2,500
Colorado Council Volunteerism and Community Serv $1,500
American Indian Endowed Scholarship $2,000
Veteran Tuition And Fee Waiver Amount Varies
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