Verified Scholarship Directory

Here you will find our list of VERIFIED SCHOLARSHIPS organized into popular categories. This list is updated daily. To let our super smart algorithm match you to some amazing scholarships, please use our FREE SCHOLARSHIP SEARCH.

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Scholarships Based on Ethnic Background
  • Achievers in Technology Program
    Deadline: April 27
    Amount: $2,000
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    Sponsor: Sankofatech

    Eligibility: Applicants must be entering a U.S. college or university as a first-year student and demonstrate an interest in pursuing a tech career. Students must be of African descent and come from a low-income household.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    3560 Webstar Avenue
    Bronx, NY 10467

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  • Adair Scholarship
    Deadline: April 30 (Fall); October 31 (Spring)
    Amount: $750
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    Sponsor: GateWay Community College-Central City

    Eligibility: Applicants must be U.S citizens living in Arizona enrolled at a Maricopa Community College with a minimum GPA of 2.5. Students must be a part of the Maricopa ACE program. Preference will be given to male African American students.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1245 E Buckeye
    Phoenix, AZ 85034-4101

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  • AICPA Fellowship for Minority Doctoral Students
    Deadline: June 15
    Amount: $15,000
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    Sponsor: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

    Eligibility: Applicants must be minority full-time students who have applied to a doctoral program or have been accepted to a doctoral program and plan to pursue the CPA exam.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    220 Leigh Farm Road
    Durham, NC 27707-8110

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  • Ally Financial Law Scholars
    Deadline: March 15
    Amount: $60,000
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    Sponsor: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

    Eligibility: Applicants must be U.S. residents and incoming full-time students at an accredited law school. Students must demonstrate commitment to the legal profession, exhibit leadership and be active within the community.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1720 Massachusetts Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20036

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  • Ally Financial Public Policy Scholars
    Deadline: March 15
    Amount: Varies
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    Sponsor: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

    Eligibility: Applicants must be U.S. residents and full-time sophomores or juniors at an accredited college at the time of application. Students must demonstrate a commitment to the public policy profession. Applicants must exhibit leadership and be active within the community.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1720 Massachusetts Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20036

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  • Anthony Ihedoha Anaebere, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
    Deadline: February 23
    Amount: $1,000
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    Sponsor: Anthony Ihedoha Anaebere Memorial Scholarship Fund

    Eligibility: Applicants must be Nigerian-born or first generation Nigerian American students pursing an engineering education in the U.S. Students must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average in high school or a 2.5 college grade point average.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

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  • Beverly Murphy MLA Scholarship for Underrepresented Students
    Deadline: November 15
    Amount: Up to $5,000
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    Sponsor: Medical Library Association

    Eligibility: Applicants must be member of an underrepresented group, such as Black/African-American, Latin, Asian, Aboriginal, North American Indian or Alaskan Native, or Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. Students must be entering or currently attending an ALA-accredited library school and be no more than halfway through the program. Applicants must also be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or Canada.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    225 West Wacker Drive
    Suite 650
    Chicago, IL 60606

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  • CBC Spouses Essay Contest
    Deadline: March 29
    Amount: Varies
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    Sponsor: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

    Eligibility: Applicants must be high school juniors and seniors (grades 11 and 12) and reside in a district represented by a Congressional Black Caucus Member. Students must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. Applicants must be Black or African-American.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1720 Massachusetts Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20036

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  • CBCF Reducing the Financial Barrier Scholarship
    Deadline: March 15
    Amount: $10,000
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    Sponsor: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

    Eligibility: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents enrolled full-time at an accredited two- or four-year college or university or a vocational-technical school. Students must have a minimum of 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Applicants must be Black or African American and must have a FAFSA on file.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1720 Massachusetts Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20036

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  • Chevron Corporate Scholars Program
    Deadline: September 16
    Amount: Up to $15,000
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    Sponsor: United Negro College Fund (UNCF)

    Eligibility: Applicants must be graduating high school seniors enrolled to attend a Historically Black College or University. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale and exhibit interest in enrolling in a STEM field or major.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1805 7th Street NW
    Washington, DC 20001

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  • CLA Scholarship For BIPOC Students in Memory of Edna Yelland
    Deadline: March 17
    Amount: $2,500
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    Sponsor: California Library Association

    Eligibility: Applicants must be California residents, be American Indian, African American, Mexican American, Latino, Asian American, Pacific Islander or Filipino and be accepted into or enrolled in an American Library Association accredited state library school. The award is based on financial need, and an interview is required.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    248 E. Foothill Boulevard
    Suite 101
    Monrovia, CA 91016

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  • Clanseer and Anna Johnson Scholarships
    Deadline: March 31
    Amount: $6,000
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    Sponsor: Community Foundation of New Jersey

    Eligibility: Applicants must have been born in the United States and be New Jersey residents. They must have an A or B average in science and math-related subjects and maintain above average grades overall. Financial need and merit are considered. Scholarship winners are asked to perform at least ten hours of community service each week for a year following graduation.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    P.O. Box 338
    Morristown, NJ 07963-0338

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  • Creative Sole Scholarship
    Deadline: June 2
    Amount: $5,000
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    Sponsor: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

    Eligibility: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or residents, Black or a person of color and members of the NAACP. Students must be currently enrolled full-time or accepted to an accredited college or university in the U.S. or graduating high school seniors with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants must demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in the creative fields such as one of the following: art, music, journalism, marketing, design, communications, architecture or film.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    4805 Mt. Hope Drive
    Baltimore, MD 21215

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  • Dr. Jaya Nelson-Ellington Scholarship
    Deadline: May 1
    Amount: Varies
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    Sponsor: Danville Area Community College

    Eligibility: Applicants must be female students in the pre-dental field. Students must be African Americans. One application form is completed to apply for all of the college's scholarships. An essay, a letter of recommendation and a current transcript are required.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    2000 E Main St
    Danville, IL 61832-5118

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  • Dr. W. Prince and Elsie McLemore Endowed Tuition Scholarship for Elementary and Physical Education Majors
    Deadline: March 29
    Amount: $250 to $500
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    Sponsor: Governors State University

    Eligibility: Applicants must be a minority elementary education or physical education major having completed a minimum of 9 semester with at 3.0 GPA. Students must be in good academic standing and enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1 University Pky
    University Park, IL 60484

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  • Dunbar Scholarship
    Deadline: March 1
    Amount: $500
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    Sponsor: Wright State University-Lake Campus

    Eligibility: Applicants must have a 3.0 cumulative high school GPA and be a member of an under-represented ethnic group (African American, Asian, Native Hawaiian, or Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino, or American Indian/Alaskan Native). Students must be enrolled full-time. No separate application is needed.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    7600 Lake Campus Drive
    Celina, OH 45822-2952

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  • Ed Bradley Scholarship
    Deadline: January 11
    Amount: $10,000
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    Sponsor: Radio Television Digital News Association

    Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time college sophomores or higher with at least one full academic year remaining. Applicants may be enrolled in any major as long as their career intent is television or radio news. Applicants may only apply for one RTNDA scholarship.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    529 14th Street NW
    Suite 1240
    Washington, DC 20045

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  • Gail and Walter Gunn Scholarship
    Deadline: March 1
    Amount: Varies
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    Sponsor: Community Foundation of the Dan River Region

    Eligibility: Applicants must be local African-American students with a preference for those studying business or with an entrepreneurial interest. Students must be enrolled full-time.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    541 Loyal Street
    Danville, VA 24541

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  • Glazebrook Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Deadline: May 15
    Amount: Varies
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    Sponsor: Delaware Technical Community College-Central Office

    Eligibility: Applicants must be Sussex County minority residents over the age of 25. Students must complete the FAFSA and have and maintain a 2.5 GPA. Preferences include students majoring in business, accounting, nursing or education.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1832 North Dupont Highway
    Dover, DE 19901

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  • HBCU NREI Scholarship
    Deadline: March 15
    Amount: $10,000
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    Sponsor: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

    Eligibility: Applicants must be Black or African-American and be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. Students must attend an accredited HBCU during the academic year of the scholarship award. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, demonstrate a commitment to social justice, exhibit leadership and be active in the community.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1720 Massachusetts Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20036

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  • Henry and Albertha McKoy Endowed Scholarship
    Deadline: July 1
    Amount: Varies
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    Sponsor: Florida Atlantic University

    Eligibility: Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate teacher education students. Students must be Jamaican or West Indian immigrants or children of Jamaican or other West Indian parents. Applicants must demonstrate academic performance and financial need.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    777 Glades Rd, Administration Bldg., Room 339
    Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991

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  • Holly A. Cornell Scholarship
    Deadline: December 20
    Amount: $10,000
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    Sponsor: American Water Works Association

    Eligibility: Applicants must be females and/or minorities who have been accepted to or are current master's degree students in engineering. Applications, transcripts, GRE scores, three recommendation letters, statements and course of study are required. The award is based on academics and leadership.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    6666 W. Quincy Avenue
    Denver, CO 80235

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  • Julianne Malveaux Scholarship
    Deadline: March 29
    Amount: Varies
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    Sponsor: National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs Inc.

    Eligibility: Applicants must be African American females enrolled as sophomores or juniors at an accredited college or university and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Students may major in related fields such as public policy or creative writing.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1806 New Hampshire Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20009

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  • Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund
    Deadline: April 15
    Amount: $15,000
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    Sponsor: American Bar Association

    Eligibility: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. They must be entering the first year of law school during the year of application. They must have a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.5 or higher. Selection is based on the overall strength of the application.

    How to apply: Applications are available online. An application form, personal statement, two recommendation letters and a transcript are required.

    321 North Clark Street
    Chicago, IL 60654

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  • Louis B. Russell Scholarship
    Deadline: March 1
    Amount: $1,000
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    Sponsor: Indiana State Teachers Association

    Eligibility: Applicants must be ethnic minority high school seniors who plan to pursue education in the area of industrial arts, vocational education or technical education at an accredited college or university.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    150 W. Market Street
    Suite 900
    Indianapolis, IN 46204

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  • Maureen L. and Howard N. Blitman, P.E., Scholarship
    Deadline: April 1
    Amount: $5,000
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    Sponsor: National Society of Professional Engineers

    Eligibility: Applicants must be African-American, Hispanic or Native American high school seniors who have been accepted into an accredited engineering program at a four-year institution. Students are evaluated based on academic achievement, community involvement and recommendations and must have a minimum 3.5 GPA.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1420 King Street
    Alexandria, VA 22314-2794

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  • MBA Fellowship
    Deadline: Rolling basis starting August 15
    Amount: $35,000
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    Sponsor: Goldman Sachs

    Eligibility: Applicants must be first-year MBA students. Students must be seeking a summer associate position at Goldman Sachs. Applicants must be Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American or women.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    200 West Street
    New York, NY 10282

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  • Minority Scholarship
    Deadline: October 15
    Amount: $2,000
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    Sponsor: National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Foundation

    Eligibility: Applicants must be African American, Hispanic, Asian American or Native American students working toward a graduate degree related to strength and conditioning. Students must be NSCA members for one year before applying and be pursuing careers in strength and conditioning. Applications are evaluated based on grades, courses, experience, honors, recommendations and involvement in the community and with NSCA.

    How to apply: Applications are available with membership.

    1885 Bob Johnson Drive
    Colorado Springs, CO 80906

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  • Minority Scholarship Award for Physical Therapy Students
    Deadline: December 1
    Amount: $2,500
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    Sponsor: American Physical Therapy Association

    Eligibility: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. They must be African-American, Hispanic, Native American, Pacific Islander, Native Hawaiian or Alaska Native. They must be in the final year of an accredited or developing professional physical therapist program at the time of award disbursement. Students must demonstrate academic excellence, service to minority affairs and career potential. Selection is based on the overall strength of the application.

    How to apply: Applications are available online. An application form, official transcript, personal essay and three letters of reference are required.

    1111 North Fairfax Street
    Alexandria, VA 22314

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  • Minority Student Scholarship
    Deadline: May 21
    Amount: $5,000
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    Sponsor: American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation

    Eligibility: Applicants should be full-time minority graduate students. Master's degree candidates must be in programs accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation for Audiology and Speech Pathology, but doctoral programs do not have to be accredited. Transcripts, an essay and a reference form are required.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    2200 Research Boulevard
    Rockville, MD 20850

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  • Mutual of Omaha Actuarial Scholarship for Minority Students
    Deadline: October 20
    Amount: $5,000
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    Sponsor: Mutual of Omaha

    Eligibility: Applicants must be African-American, Native American, Hispanic, Asian American or from another underrepresented minority group. They must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents, temporary residents, asylees or refugees and must be full-time undergraduate students who have completed 24 or more credit hours (including 18 or more graded hours). They must be pursuing a degree in mathematics or an actuarial-related subject and must have a GPA of 3.4 or more. Applicants must have plans to pursue a career in an actuarial field and must have passed at least one actuarial exam. Scholarship recipients must be willing to complete a summer internship at the Mutual of Omaha offices in Omaha. Selection is based on the overall strength of the application.

    How to apply: Applications are available online. An application form, personal statement, one recommendation letter and a resume are required.

    Mutual of Omaha Plaza
    Strategic Staffing - Actuarial Recruitment
    Omaha, NE 68175

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  • National Scholarship
    Deadline: March 29
    Amount: Varies
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    Sponsor: National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs Inc.

    Eligibility: Applicants must be African American graduating high school seniors and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Students must submit a transcript, an application form, two letters of recommendation and an essay that is at least 300 words on "Why is education important to me?"

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1806 New Hampshire Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20009

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  • NOAA Educational Partnership Program Undergraduate Scholarships
    Deadline: January 31
    Amount: Up to $45,000
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    Sponsor: NOAA Educational Partnership Program - Office of Education

    Eligibility: Applicants must be U.S. citizens and full-time undergraduates who are in the second year of a four-year degree program or in the third year of a five-year degree program. They must be attending an accredited minority-serving institution (MSI), and they must have a GPA of 3.2 or higher on a four-point scale. Applicants must be majoring in a discipline that is related to environmental, atmospheric or oceanic sciences. Selection is based on relevant coursework completed, stated career goals, recommendations and extracurricular activities.

    How to apply: Applications are available online. An application form, two personal essays, two recommendation letters and an official transcript are required.

    Herbert C Hoover Building
    14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW
    Room 6863
    Washington, DC 20230

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  • Owens Campus Minority Scholarship Fund
    Deadline: May 15
    Amount: Varies
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    Sponsor: Delaware Technical Community College-Central Office

    Eligibility: Applicants must be Owens Campus minority students (Black, Hispanic, Asian or Native American). Students must have at least a 2.0 or better GPA and have attended at least one semester at Owens Campus. Applicants must complete the FAFSA.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1832 North Dupont Highway
    Dover, DE 19901

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  • P.O. Pistilli Undergraduate Scholarship for Advancement in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
    Deadline: May 1
    Amount: $4,000
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    Sponsor: Design Automation Conference/Association for Computing Machinery

    Eligibility: Applicants must be high school seniors who are from an underrepresented group (African American, Hispanic, Native American, women or disabled). Students must have a minimum 3.0 GPA, have demonstrated high achievement in math and science courses and have financial need. Applicants must also intend to pursue a career in electrical engineering, computer engineering or computer science.

    How to apply: Applications are available online. An application form, three letters of recommendation, an official transcript, a personal letter, a copy of tax returns and a copy of the FAFSA are required.

    Professor Andrew B. Kahng, P.O. Pistilli Scholarship Director
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, UCSD
    9500 Gilman Drive #0404
    La Jolla, CA 92093-0404

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  • Pega Scholars Program
    Deadline: June 20
    Amount: $1,500
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    Sponsor: Pega Scholars Program

    Eligibility: Applicants must be current high school or secondary school graduates or current university students pursuing a degree in computer science, technology or a related field. Students must plan to enroll in part-time or full-time undergraduate study at a two-, three- or four-year accredited institution. Applicants must reside in one of the following countries: USA, Canada, Brazil, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, India or Australia. Students must self-identify with one or more of the following: women; LGBTQIA+; person with disability; military veteran; Indigenous; Native American or Alaskan Native; Asian American; Black; African American; Hispanic or Latino/Latina; Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    Scholarship America
    One Scholarship Way
    Saint Peter, MN 56082

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  • PRSA Diversity Multicultural Scholarship
    Deadline: April 30
    Amount: $1,500
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    Sponsor: Public Relations Student Society of America

    Eligibility: Applicants must be of African-American, Latino, Asian, Native American, Alaska Native or Pacific Islander descent. They must be undergraduates students who are majoring or minoring in public relations at an accredited four-year institution. They must be full-time students who have a GPA of 3.0 or higher on a four-point scale. Selection is based on the overall strength of the application.

    How to apply: Applications are available online. An application form, official transcript, essay and one recommendation letter are required.

    120 Wall Street
    21st Floor
    New York, NY 10005-4024

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  • Ron Brown Scholar Program
    Deadline: December 1
    Amount: Up to $40,000
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    Sponsor: CAP Charitable Foundation

    Eligibility: Applicants must be African American collegebound high school seniors. Selection is based on academic promise, leadership, communication skills, school and community involvement and financial need.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    Ron Brown Scholar Program
    1160 Pepsi Place
    Suite 206
    Charlottesville, VA 22901

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  • Rosewood Family Scholarship Program
    Deadline: April 1
    Amount: Up to $6,100
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    Sponsor: Florida Department of Education

    Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time, undergraduate students who attend state universities, public community colleges or public postsecondary vocational-technical schools. Direct descendants of Rosewood families affected by the incidents of January 1923 receive preference. The descendants must provide family information on the Florida Financial Aid Application.

    How to apply: Applicants must submit the Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Applications online by April 1. Florida residents must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online by May 15. Non-residents must submit the FAFSA in time to receive the Student Aid Report (SAR) from the processor and send a copy of the SAR to the Office of Student Financial Assistance by May 15.

    Office of Student Financial Assistance
    State Scholarship and Grant Programs
    325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1314
    Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400

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  • Stanton/George Minority Scholarship Fund
    Deadline: May 15
    Amount: Varies
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    Sponsor: Delaware Technical Community College-Central Office

    Eligibility: Applicants must be minority students at the Stanton or Wilmington campuses. Students must have completed at least four courses and have a 2.5 or above GPA.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1832 North Dupont Highway
    Dover, DE 19901

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  • Scholarship for Black Students
    Deadline: May 31
    Amount: $2,000
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    Eligibility: Applicants must be of African descent, accepted by or enrolled in a college or university within the United States and plan on continuing the next year. Students must have a minimum of 30 semester or 45 quarter hours to complete.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    100 View Street
    Suite 202
    Mountain View, CA 94041

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  • Tampax Flow It Forward Scholarship
    Deadline: August 19
    Amount: Up to $10,000
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    Sponsor: United Negro College Fund (UNCF)

    Eligibility: Applicants must be African American U.S. citizens, nationals or permanent residents. Students must be enrolled as full-time college juniors at any four-year HBCU with a minimum 3.5 GPA. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to community service in the health sector and a desire to specialize in any medical field that impacts women's health, with a focus on the health of the Black community. Students must complete the FAFSA and demonstrate unmet financial need.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1805 7th Street NW
    Washington, DC 20001

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  • Tracking Foundation Multi-Year Scholarship Program
    Deadline: March 15
    Amount: $40,000
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    Sponsor: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

    Eligibility: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. Students must be preparing to pursue or currently pursuing an undergraduate degree full-time at an accredited college or university. Applicants must have a minimum 2.5 GPA on 4.0 scale, exhibit leadership and be active in the community and be Black or African American.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1720 Massachusetts Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20036

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  • Tracking Foundation Scholars Scholarship Program
    Deadline: March 15
    Amount: $20,000
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    Sponsor: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

    Eligibility: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents preparing to pursue or currently pursuing a graduate or doctoral degree full-time at an accredited college or university. Students must have a minimum 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale, exhibit leadership and be active in the community. Applicants must be Black or African American.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1720 Massachusetts Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20036

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  • UNCF Healthcare Workforce Diversity Program Certification
    Deadline: March 28
    Amount: Up to $5,000
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    Sponsor: United Negro College Fund (UNCF)

    Eligibility: Applicants must be African American U.S. citizens, nationals or permanent residents. Students must be pursuing a certification or a two-year associates degree in healthcare-related STEM fields. Applicants must complete the FAFSA and demonstrate unmet financial need.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    1805 7th Street NW
    Washington, DC 20001

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  • William A. Crawford Minority Teacher Scholarship
    Deadline: August 31
    Amount: Varies
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    Sponsor: Indiana Commission for Higher Education

    Eligibility: Applicants must be enrolled or planning to enroll in college full-time. Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA, and financial need may be considered. Preference will be given to black and Hispanic students. Students must agree to work in the state of Indiana for a period of time after graduation.

    How to apply: Applications are available at the financial aid office of attending institution.

    101 West Ohio Street
    Suite 300
    Indianapolis, IN 46204-4206

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  • Write Your Future Scholarship
    Deadline: June 2
    Amount: $10,000
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    Sponsor: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

    Eligibility: Applicants must be Black students or students of color and identify as female. Students must be graduating high school seniors enrolling in an accredited four-year, tax-exempt academic institution. Applicants must be NAACP members and current participants in an active ACT-SO program.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    4805 Mt. Hope Drive
    Baltimore, MD 21215

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  • X Society Awards Scholarship
    Deadline: June 2
    Amount: $8,000
    Click for Detailskeyboard_arrow_down
    Sponsor: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

    Eligibility: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or residents, Black or a person of color and members of the NAACP. Students must be enrolled full-time or accepted to an accredited college or university in the U.S. or graduating high school seniors with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants must demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in the visual/performing arts field such as one of the following: film, theatre, fashion, photography, graphic design, dance, music, journalism or mass communications.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    4805 Mt. Hope Drive
    Baltimore, MD 21215

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